


Henan's GDP to surpass $123 bln this year

http://yxhgc.com 2005-11-18 09:56:56

  Henan Province, central China, is expected to notch up 1 trillion yuan (about 123.31 billion US dollars) in gross domestic product (GDP) this year, said Shi Jichun, vice governor of the province.

  It will join the ranks of Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, w
hose GDPs all exceed 1 trillion yuan.

  Addressing a provincial association summit meeting of industry and commerce, Shi disclosed per capita GDP in Henan, the most populous province in the country, would reach 10,000 yuan, and chalk up 1 trillion yuan in the deposit outstanding of financial institutions, 400 billion yuan in fixed assets investment this year.

  Industrial enterprises of scale -- referring enterprises whose annual sales exceed 5 million yuan each -- will exceed 50 billion yuan in pre-tax profits in the year.

  He also predicted increases of 12 percent and 10 percent in percapita disposal income for urban residents and per capita net income for farmers, respectively.

  The provincial official pledged to achieve new economic progress by following a new path of industrialization and pursuing sustainable development in the forthcoming five years.

  Source: Xinhua





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