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來源:百靈網 2011-04-13 11:00:04

????2011年4月12日上海世茂皇家艾美酒店,中國的一流大學 上海大學 與 倫敦商業(yè)金融學院(LSBF) 簽署了歷史性的諒解備忘錄,共同探討在世界上建立一個卓越教育中心的可能性,該中心將落戶上?!澜缟显鲩L最快的商業(yè)樞紐之一,該所新成立的學院將命名為 上海倫敦商業(yè)金融學院 ,定位為提供行政發(fā)展課程的卓越教育中心,并擬定于今年五月由雙方學校代表共同商討確定正式成立的時間表。


解備忘錄由 Roland Ng 與上海大學副校長葉志明共同簽署

????正在中國訪問的倫敦金融城榮譽市長 Alderman Michael Bear 見證簽字儀式



????上海努力在2020年前發(fā)展成為世界級的國際金融與航運中心,LSBF的創(chuàng)始人及CEO Aaron Etingen先生在談及這一新的合作辦學模式時,說道:“我們非常樂意與上海大學合作,也充分相信LSBF創(chuàng)新的學術學習方法能成功培養(yǎng)上海的下一代領軍人物,幫助他們更好地應對未來的挑戰(zhàn)”。

????LSBF的國際學術總監(jiān)Steve Letza博士表示:“LSBF 充分認識到由于行業(yè)發(fā)展需求,對如中國,新加坡及印度等新興市場中高素質教育的需要也不斷增加,我們秉承著普及教育的理念,已經開展了于世界各個戰(zhàn)略地域開設更多學院的計劃”。



????該諒解備忘錄在上海于目前正在中國訪問的倫敦金融城榮譽市長Alderman Michael Bear見證之下簽署,他表示:“倫敦的教育質量始終名列前茅。因此,我很自豪地看到卓越的教育品質能夠傳輸?shù)街袊@掀開了兩個城市教育合作的歷史新篇章”。



????關于 LSBF 與上海大學:

????1. LSBF 與上海大學業(yè)已達成共識,發(fā)展獨特的協(xié)作關系,在上海與倫敦同時成立上海-LSBF學院。兩所院校之間緊密的關系促成了這一合作,上海2010年世博會中倫敦形象的不斷提升,也為該合作進一步鋪平道路。

????2. 該教育中心的初始目的在于通過在上海及倫敦開設相關課程,滿足上海及全球人才的發(fā)展,參與者可以自由選擇在這兩個城市的學院學習,轉換學分及完成學業(yè)。

????3. 開設的課程包括上海大學在倫敦開設的Global Local MBA,與LSBF在上海開設的專業(yè)會計及金融行政發(fā)展課程。

????4. 這一獨特的理念折射出上海大學辦學愿景: 全球思維,地方行動。LSBF秉承以培養(yǎng)全球領袖為目標的辦學理念。在這個教育中心里,東西方的領導力思維與哲學理念相遇交融,讓國際化思維在特定地域得以應用展現(xiàn)。在金融中心城市培養(yǎng)這些將對市場發(fā)揮影響的人才,顯得尤為重要,這也是這一聯(lián)合協(xié)議的獨特貢獻所在。

????5. 上海大學MBA項目是中國為數(shù)不多的用英語進行MBA教學的學校之一。該MBA項目榮膺中國“最有影響力MBA項目”這一稱號(《中國日報》,2007),并獲得中國MBA監(jiān)管委員會在第五及第六批次MBA項目評審中最高的評估分數(shù)(2009)。

????6. LSBF被PQ Accountancy評為年度最佳學院;年度最佳講師;并由英國邊境管理局評為最高可信任等級的機構。LSBF發(fā)展迅速,旨在通過傳統(tǒng)、網上及社會媒體等平臺提供為滿足日新月異的金融商業(yè)環(huán)境的發(fā)展需要的相關課程。

????7. 這一合作也能將中國其中一間規(guī)模最大、名列前沿的大學的教育資源帶到倫敦。此次合作將提供一個平臺,加強兩個重要的城市之間的相互理解與協(xié)作,培育下一代的企業(yè)領袖與專業(yè)金融人士。


????中國媒體接洽事宜,請聯(lián)系 LSBF 上海市場主管 Venus Cheung

????請發(fā)郵件至 vcheung@lsbf.org.uk 或致電 +852 2159 9635

????英國媒體接洽事宜,請聯(lián)系 LSBF 新聞部主管 Gemmaine Walsh

????gwalsh@lsbf.org.uk 或致電 0203 005 6022

????非辦公時間媒體接洽事宜,請發(fā)郵件至 gwalsh@lsbf.org.uk 或致電 0203 005 6022

????East and West financial centres Unite for Historic New Global Business and Finance Education

????( 2011-04-12 Shanghai / ) A leading ChineseUniversity has today signed a historicMOU to partner with the London School of Business and Finance (LSBF)to study the possibility of establishing new centre of educational excellence in Shanghai - one of the world’s fastest developing business hubs.

????Shanghai University has chosen LSBF as its preferred global partner to share and combine LSBF’s postgraduate executive development and professional examination programs and best teaching practises of ShanghaiUniversity’s MBA education for the optimum learning experience.

????The new institute, to be called the Shanghai London School of Business and Finance is structured as the education excellence centre for executive development programs and further discussion on its possible inauguration plan will be made from representatives of two schools in the coming May. A further school will also be opened in Londonby LSBF under the same name in February 2012 for delivering world-class MBA education from ShanghaiUniversity to the European and global markets.

????The agreement, witnessed by the Lord Mayor of London on a trade visit to Shanghai, means thatthe two new centres of excellence willprovide a platform to share and develop greater understanding and collaboration betweenthe two cities, and ultimately the development of the next generation of corporate and financial professionals.

????In line with Shanghai’s ambitions to be recognised as an international financial and shipping centre by 2020, LSBF’s founder and CEO, Aaron Etingen, said of the new joint venture, “We are delighted to be working with Shanghai University and are confident LSBF’s innovative approach to academic learning will help mould Shanghai’s future leaders and aid them in facing the challenges of tomorrow.”

????Dr SteveLetza, LSBF’s Global Academic Director said “LSBF is well aware of the growing need for industry relevant, quality education providers in the emerging markets, such as China, Singapore and India. With our ethos of making education accessible to all, we have embarked on programme of opening campuses in strategic parts of the world.” “Shanghai, with its rapidly developing economic business sector and need for well-educated professionals to help its continued expansion, was the perfect location” he added.

????Professor Zhiming Ye, VP of Shanghai University said “in China, we aim to leverage the successful experience of LSBF for non-degree executive development and professional examination programs for building global business and finance talents to serve Shanghai future development. In London, we would like to have LSBF’s support to combine our world-class MBA education with LSBF resources for the European and global markets”.

????The MOU was signed in Shanghai and witnessed byRt Hon Lord Mayor of London, Alderman Michael Bear, who is touring the region currently, “The quality of education offered in Londonis second to none. Therefore I am very proud to see that quality and excellence in learning being brought to China – a first in our respective histories,” he said.

????“Helping to forge relationships in both cities, we hope the unique partnership of this educational first will bring benefits to both city’s economies and best practises.” Bear concluded.

????The MOU marks the beginning of a formal partnership between ShanghaiUniversity and LSBF and was signed by Roland Ng, and the VP of Shanghai University, Professor Zhiming Ye.

????The Shanghai MBA was ranked as the ‘most influential’ MBA in China by China Daily in 2007 and in 2009 enjoyed the highest team overall evaluation mark by the China MBA Supervisory Committee for the fifth and sixth batches of MBA programs in China. LSBF have recently enjoyed international success with their innovative Global MBA – the first ever online MBA to be taught exclusively through Facebook.

????About LSBF and ShanghaiUniversity :

????1. LSBF and ShanghaiUniversity have agreed to develop a unique collaboration in agreeing to develop and launch a new Shanghai–LSBF Institute in both Shanghai and in London. This builds upon the close relationship between the two institutions and flows from the City of London profile at the Expo-2010 inShanghai. 2. The initial focus of the Centre will be to serve the future of Shanghai and its global talents needs by offering appropriate Shanghai and LSBF programmes in both cities, with the option to elect to complete and transfer studies and completion between the two centres and the two cities. 3. The programmes on offer will include the ShanghaiUniversity’s Global Local MBA in London, and professional accountancy and finance executive development programmes in ShanghaifromLSBF. 4. The distinctive philosophy reflects the vision of the University of Shanghai to “Think Globally, Act Locally”. LSBF enjoys a stated mission to develop students to become global leaders. It is this common commitment to provide a local access to global thinking that is to be presented in a Centre that permits the East to meet the West in leadership thinking and philosophy. This is particularly important in the financial centres and through the training and challenging of those who must be responsible for behaviour in those markets – a distinctive contribution of this joint-initiative。 5. The Shanghai MBA is one of a small number in China that is delivered entirely in English. The MBA was ranked as the ‘most influential’ MBA in China (China Daily, 2007) and enjoyed the highest team overall evaluation mark by the China MBA Supervisory Committee (2009) amongst the fifth and sixth batches of MBA programs in China. 6. LSBF has been voted the College of the Year by PQ Accountancy; lecturer of the Year; and enjoys Highly Trusted Status from UK Border Agency. A rapidly evolving school, LSBF is focussed on delivering courses for the ever changing financial and business landscape through traditional, online and social media platforms. 7. This is an exciting venture which will bring to London an education provision from one of the largest and leading universities in China. It will provide a platform to share and develop greater understanding and collaboration between these important cities in the development of the next generation of corporate leaders and finance professionals.


????For UK media enquiries please contact Gemmaine Walsh, LSBF Head of News gwalsh@lsbf.org.uk or call 0203 005 6022 For out of hours media enquiries please call gwalsh@lsbf.org.uk or call 0203 005 6022 For China media enquiries please contact Venus Cheung, LSBF Shanghai Marketing Director vcheung@lsbf.org.uk or call +852 2159 9635



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