????Calling all graphic designers! Qingdao has been named the host city for the new annual event, the Qingdao Forum on International Standardization, and we arecalling on talented designers to enter their proposal for a logo for the QFS.
????The competition is looking for a logo design that reflects our wonderful seaside city and meets the following requirements:
????1. Logos should reflect the QSF’s theme, which is “Standards Realize Value, Humankind SharesDevelopment”; 2. Logos should reflect Qingdao city, standardization and internationalization; 3. Logos should be in the form of pictures and have great visual appeal and impact; 4. Logos must be suitable for use in a variety of places, including buildings, websites and souvenirs.
????Entries must be original. All the entries should contain an accompanying text explaining its size, color and design.
????You can either send your designs to us via email to QFSLOGO@163.com or by post to the following address:
????Zhang Chunlei
????Room 306, No 123 Yan’ansan Road
????Shinan district
????Qingdao, Shandong province
????The deadline for entries is April 3, 2017