
Qingdao released 26 policies for new jobs and business
2018-01-02 09:31:53

The Qingdao Municipal Government introduced the Opinions for Implementation to Further Boost Development Driving Forces Transfer recently, which offers26 policies in7 aspects, including employment priority strategy and mass-entrepreneurship project. As another comprehensive and principal policy for new jobs and business, it will provide a strong human resource support to stabilize employment status and boost social and economic development, in particular, development driving force transfer.

The opinion points out that the government should focus on the development driving force transfer to increase jobs, strengthen linkage between social/economic policies and employment policies. Government at all levels should take their influence to job positions, employment environments, and risk of unemployment into consideration when making key economic policies such as business/tax, financial, industry, trade and investment policies and key social policies such as population, education, social security, housing and healthcare policies. The government should support platform economy, crowd-sourcing economy, sharing economy, and other emerging economies, and encourage them to bring benefits of employment and entrepreneurship-supporting policies to companies of emerging industry companies, and carry out policies to qualified companies. The opinion has specific rules about innovation and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship carriers and financing channels to further implement crowd-entrepreneurship project. The opinion says clearly that the Qingdao government will carry out unemployment insurance and employment-securing subsidy plans for the employment of key groups. Qingdao will take care of job-losing employees in development driving forces transfer and improve long-term employment assistance mechanism for employment-difficulty people, and provide further support to the poverty population seeking employment. Qingdao also will take special actions, including employment and entrepreneurship-encouraging plan for college graduates, innovation and entrepreneurship supporting plan for overseas returnees, human resource service life action plan and household service industry development boost plan, to provide human resource support to development driving force transfer. (Liu Jiani)

2.  Qingdao Middle Hong Kong Road improvement project kicked off

The improvement project for the Middle Hong Kong Road between Shandong Road and Gaoxiong Road of Qingdao kicked off recently. The2.8km-long project is expected to be completed next April. It is planned to add2 vehicle lanes based on current8 vehicle lanes. The traffic capability of the Middle Hong Kong Road will increase greatly. Road view will also be improved. With the combination of evergreen and leave-falling flowers and bush and improved key knots, Middle Hong Kong Road will form a view with outstanding features, rich colors, and seasonal differences to collectively show chic and beautiful Qingdao. (Cui Wu)

[Effect drawing of improved intersection of South Fuzhou Road and Middle Hong Kong Road.]

3.2 foreign experts in Qingdao win Shandong Friendship Award

20 foreign experts in Shandong won the Shandong Friendship Award in the awarding ceremony of Shandong provincial government in Jinan in2017.2 experts live in Qingdao, Dr. Ralf Altmeyer, a Germany expert in Qingdao Municipal Disease Control Center, and Liu Jingquan, an Australian expert from Qingdao University, won the award.

Established in1993 by the Shandong provincial government, Shandong Friendship Award is the highest honor for foreign experts who work in Qingdao. Until now40 experts from Qingdao won the award, which is No.1 in Shandong.

In recent years Qingdao has attracted15,000 foreign experts, among whom6 were selected into the foreign expert plan of the national high-level overseas talent-attracting plan,3 local universities were selected into111 Plan, and12 experts won friendship awards from the Chinese government, and10 were invited as special experts of Qingdao. Qingdao has been chosen as one of Top10 Most Attractive Cities among Foreign Experts for the6th consecutive time. All results sit in front row among all sub-provincial cities in China. (Liu Jiani)

4.  Qingdao built or rebuilt831 tourist WC in3 years

Since the WC revolution kicked off in Qingdao in the beginning of2015, Qingdao has kept innovating and exploring market-oriented development mode to increase the WC construction and management quality with new technologies, new materials and new thinking, and set the Qingdao Mode to boost further development of WC revolution in Qingdao.

By the end of this November, Qingdao has built and rebuilt831 tourist toilets,449 are newly built and382 are rebuilt.18.2% higher than the3-year goal of Shandong provincial government. The city won the National Toilet Revolution Pioneer City for3 consecutive times. The WC revolution goes to county and village from tourist sites and expands to the whole city. (Hu Xiangyang)

[Indoor view of tourist toilet in Laoshan view zone. By Hu Xiangyang]  

Mt. Laoshan in autumn